Earth Day - Creating an environmentally friendly business

As a photographer, I am always looking for the beauty on our planet. Not just for spectacular backdrops for my pet photography, but also landscapes, floral and the wildlife. I’ve been fortunate to see several National Parks around our country and to travel to some incredible places outside the United States. 

Earth day is a reminder to get outside, open our eyes and see the beauty right where we live. Whether that’s the rainforests of Washington, the waterfalls of New York or the Everglades of Florida, there is beauty to be seen everywhere on this planet. 

One of my goals as a small business owner is to create an eco-friendly business. I believe in printing photos so I offer a selection of wall art, photo albums and desktop products for my clients. It’s important to me that these products are not harmful to the earth.

To leave a small carbon footprint, I work with a local lab who prints my wall art. Being able to pick them up prevents excess packaging and being shipped from another state or country. I also work with a local framer for framing these wall art pieces. Supporting local businesses helps the local economy thrive as well. 

While I chose materials that are eco-friendly, I also print to current archival standards. Photographs are meant to be cherished for generations and not degrade in just a short time.

Every little bit matters. I am constantly looking and evaluating how I can do better - not just for my clients, but also for the earth.