Florida portrait photography workshop

Last month I attended a workshop taught by Scott Detwiler. I was not familiar with Scott’s work until I learned about this one day hands on class. He photographs amazing concept portraits which is way outside my box, so I was really looking forward to this!


We started the day with a quick rundown of lighting before having time to photograph four models. Each had a different backdrop and concept. Because there were so many people at the workshop, we didn’t have a lot of time to work. But we could adjust the lighting and pose our subjects the way we wanted to create our images.


The afternoon was devoted to editing the images we created earlier in the day. Scott covered his retouching techniques and how he applies his artistic vision he had in mind when he set up these concepts.


Posing people is always tricky for me as I naturally think of working with dogs whenever I have a camera in my hand! I got some great tips on post-processing and applied them as well as other techniques I have been learning to my images. It’s a very different look from my usual work (aside from the obvious missing fur friends!), but I found this to be fun and can’t wait to experiment more!
