Why you shouldn't care about digital files

Probably one of the most popular questions I get asked is if I sell digital files. And while the answer is yes, let me tell you why that should be your least concern when hiring a professional photographer.

If you consider yourself a modern person, then you probably have some sort of social media account - facebook, instagram, and Tik Tok are some of the most popular socials right now. It’s easy to go down rabbit holes scrolling on your phone checking out what some of your favorite accounts are up to. If you’re like me, you probably follow several pet accounts. I just love watching some of these dogs, cats, goats, you name it and the lives they live. Many of them are experiencing my dream life!

Perhaps, you created a social media account featuring the furry members of your family. I get that you want digital files so you can use them for profile photos, share them in your stories, create a reel or simply just upload them to your feed.

And to reassure you, yes, for every image you purchase from your session, you will get a social media digital file that can be used for these purposes. That should be a given from any professional photographer you work with.

But you’re wondering what else would you do with the images captured during your session, right? I’m so glad you asked!

Anyone remember My Space? Or cassette tapes? Did you used to collect CDs? In our lifetime, technology is advancing so quickly that storage tools are becoming obsolete in just a few years. Who knows what the next best thing will be after Facebook dies. Or when computers become out-dated.

I believe photos are meant to be printed. And put on display and enjoyed for years to come. Whether that’s creating a photo album, a wall art display or framed prints gracing your bookshelf, images are intended to be looked at and treasured. Not downloaded and forgotten.

My question for you is how do you want to display the images created during your professional pet photography session? I’m here to help you figure that out and create artwork that will fit you, your home and your lifestyle.

Let’s get started, shall we? If you’d like to learn more, get in touch and schedule a no obligation consultation session.

mini australian shepherd wall art mockup
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